My name is Sean Chamberlain.
I’m a Software Engineer + Visual Artist.

Based in upstate, NY, I believe web development and generative AI have the power to shift society when use responsibly and is inclusive of diverse perspectives. I’m currently transitioning from a career as an artist, which gives me a unique take on the world. Art is primarily about problem-solving through unconventional tactics. Through my work as a Public Artist and Sculptor, I’ve gained valuable experience as both a leader and a team player working within the public realm. It relates directly to the user experience within web development because I’m trying to figure out how to solicit interaction. It’s a primary focus of mine to create work that gets busy people to stop and spend as much time as possible with my piece.


HubListen Chatbot

Back End and AI Engineer
March 2024

GitHub Link: https://github.com/SherrinaR/BaddiesHackathon/blob/3dfb6d7058a12723eece0bff323cbf125cdd192b/hublisten.py

To gain more experience with AI I participated in a hackathon. The Baddies In Tech Women’s Rights Hackathon allowed me to work with a team of five to develop a chatbot that supports women, trans, and nonbinary people in navigating issues relating to reproductive justice, employment, and gender-based violence. I knew that if I wanted a career in tech I would need to understand how to work collaboratively with a diverse team and with short deadlines. We created the concept together and my role was Back End and AI Engineer. My responsibilities consisted of building the backend infrastructure using Python and integrating it with OpenAI technology. I programmed the chatbot to allow the user to set the personality of the bot and have it remember the chat history.

    Out in Tech Digital Corps

    Web Developer
    March 2024

    Link to Organization: https://outintech.com/digital-corps/

    I worked with a team of nine people, including developers, designers, and copywriters to help build a WordPress website for an LGBTQ organization in Nigeria. I met with the client before developing the site to ask questions and implement their key needs. I successfully built the leadership page of the website.